Vast castles of luxury dot the coastline
Protecting the territories
In a mutual agreement on the division of labor
The unending work of the have-nots.
Unbelievable opulence in gilded artificiality
Gold, diamonds, marble abound
Every room a vast dominion
Every door a gateway to fantasy
The sheer waste on things prestigious
Sickening to the very core
And though you think you’ve earned the right
To dominate your fellow man
Though you believe you hold the cards
To decide the paths we all must take
You’ll be surprised when you are carted
Away towards the wall of fate
To meet your final end
At the hands of the destitute
When a few hundred own more than half a country
And have the power to curse those very lives
By withdrawal of employment
And removal of protection
Becoming nothing short of autocratic
While spewing out the lies
The tides have turned back to the Middle Ages
Feudalism running wild
Petty kings, spoiled rich princes
Searching for yet more to steal
Dodging from their obligation
To the country, to the people
To spread the profits
From their hard labor
Instead, they are sponges
Soaking up all the vast resources
Leaving the scraps to their enchained minions
And nothing for the rest of us…
Curses for the billionaires…