Please recommend a good book! [View all]
I am having a problem I have never had before. I can't find a book I care about. I suspect this has nothing to do with the books themselves but rather is a side effect of my covid anxiety. I get a little over 1/4 through and realize I don't care about the characters or the plot and I either delete it from the Kindle or return it to Libby. I just downloaded a sample that was on Bookpage's best mystery and suspense list, reviews all indicated "can't put down" qualities. While I read fiction and NF, let's say fiction. Nothing heavy and deep, just engrossing. Compelling. I don't care if it's JD Robb (or any other author with 100 books), as long as it is a great story. Something to get lost in.
Given my inability to care about any book lately, this might not work, but it's terrible to not have a book to read! I am filling all my reading time with Erma Bombeck, and while I love her very much, I prefer her in smaller doses than every day of the week. Any thoughts?