Well, this was an interesting interaction, via phone, with Oak Street Health [View all]
After my yearly check up my APN wanted me to monitor my BP, keep a log and come back in 2 weeks with the numbers. I told her I was not sure my car would be repaired in time so she said I could just call in.
So I did. Got put on hold until they could contact a nurse. All of a sudden I got a pre recorded request to 'rate' this interaction. What interaction!?!?!?!!?
There's a spot where you can leave an explanation of any problems so I described today's problem, kept my sense of humor and left my number for them to call me and I'll give them the numbers. If they don't call, I might try again. They want to see me in 2 months to go over lab tests (I guess).
There was a time this would have created steam to burst out of my ears. Now I just chalk it up to the modernization and impersonal delivery of health care. I'll keep taking my meds and monitoring my BP and wait to see if they call. If not, I'll just call and make that appointment. Car SHOULD be good by then.