But, I think you're mixing apples and oranges. With respect to GPS, neighborhoods change, roads change, and I like to go a lot of places. While my husband prefers paper maps and they certainly have their place, it's not always easy to get an up-to-date paper map and I use them mostly as a check that we're headed in the right direction. I love being told when and where to turn (by Siri) and notified about road and traffic conditions ahead. I like being offered an alternate route if needed. None of that is available with a paper map.
However, I HATE self checkout only because it never works for me. It never recognizes my bag, or it accuses me of taking something out of the bagging area, or it can't find the code in its database for a vegetable I'm buying, or... I always end up stuck at the register half checked out until I can flag down a human and have them correct the problem. The self checkout is taking jobs away from humans anyway (or it's supposed to), and I really don't support that.
As far as people taking out their phone to check the weather or Google something, my husband used to complain just like you about this LOL. But then he started asking me to look things up and then he got himself a smart phone and he's on it all the time... It's just the way it is.