That was my childhood growing up. Road from St. Paul to Portland, Oregon in 1952 in a Hudson Hornet with five sisters and my mom. My dad and older brother, along with the family dog came along in the truck my dad bought to pack our furniture in to take out West. Made it to Portland, and the truck died in the driveway.
Travelled back to St. Paul five years later, to visit, in our 1955 Plymouth station wagon, with six sisters and two brothers...feet sticking out the back end, and no ac nor much more than a paper map.
We made another family trip from Portland to Yuma, Arizona, San Antonio, Texas and back that same 1955 station wagon just a few years later.
We used to go for Sunsay drives to the mountains, to the beach, and to visit friends that lived in the rural countryside occasionally.
Have driven from Portland to Shelby, North Carolina and back, to pick up a motor I bought on eBay (that didn’t fit the car I bought it for when I returned), and have now driven three times to central Mexico, and back twice. Looking at once more to return next March.
I LOVE road trips. Flat tire, cam sensor failure, dirty gas, and all the other unexpected surprises that go along with it. I love it! Every day is a new experience, and the country is absolutely beautiful and inspiring. And they people who have helped us along the way give me hope in my fellow man.
I fly too...and I HATE it. Since 9/11 it has lost its glory, and it’s a painful, unpleasant experience. No comparison. Thanks for the memories...