Doctors share gun stories, demand action after NRA tells them to 'stay in their lane' [View all]
Source: CNN
Doctors share gun stories, demand action after NRA tells them to 'stay in their lane'
By Jessica Ravitz, CNN
Updated 2109 GMT (0509 HKT) November 8, 2018
(CNN)Two signs of the times: another mass shooting and more Twitter outrage. This time, though, the barbs over social media came from the medical community in response to a tweet from the National Rifle Association.
The piling-on began after the NRA tweeted on Wednesday a link to an article from its Institute of Legislative Action. The article, titled "Surprise: Physician Group Rehashes Same Tired Gun Control Policies," was promoted with these words: "Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane. Half of the articles in Annals of Internal Medicine are pushing for gun control. Most upsetting, however, the medical community seems to have consulted NO ONE but themselves."
The tweet went out hours before a gunman walked into the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, and killed at least 12 people before turning his gun on himself.
The NRA's tweet had more than 1,300 likes by mid-Thursday. But it also riled up people inside and outside the medical field, who replied by the thousands.
"Oh, was I supposed to consult the NRA when my elderly patient with dementia accidentally shot themself holstering a gun they legally owned?" @DrMFraggle asked. "Because I was under the impression I was to consult general surgery and social services. My bad. :/ Gun control: not just about young people."
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