Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Thank you Diane Feinstein [View all]needledriver
(836 posts)Diane Feinstein had focused her considerable influence, legislative skills, seniority, and moral authority on passing legislation that would help keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them (i.e. universal background checks, timely reporting of persons moved to a forbidden category), in light of the widespread bipartisan support for an effort to do something to prevent the horror of Sandy Hook, we might very well have had legislation in place since then which would have prevented Devin Patrick Kelley, Dylann Roof, and Nikolas Cruz from acquiring the weapons they used.
But she's didn't. She used her considerable influence, legislative skills, seniority, and moral authority to try to get assault weapons banned. It failed.
Now, we are in the same situation again. Parkland was a horror that engendered a widespread bipartisan support for gun control legislation - and the Democratic establishment, as led by Diane Feinstein, has collectively said "Let's pass an assault weapons ban!".
I leave it to you to figure out what it's called when you do the same thing and expect different results.