Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: REINSTATE THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN! [View all]discntnt_irny_srcsm
I don't read their site.
My opinions are my own.
>>I respect the rule of law:
I may not always agree with individual laws but I recognize that working to change those laws through proper and Constitutional means is best for everyone.
>>I respect the opinions and expressions of others:
That's especially true here on DU because I believe virtually all useful political change will arise from this party not the Republicans. I view Republicans as the party of non-change. They resist any change 9 times out 10 and that 1 in 10 change isn't usually for the better.
To the point of the matter, I would very much prefer to civilly discuss options for change and improvement of the current circumstances with fellow Democrats. Gun manufacturers, gunsmiths, dealers and distributors are in business to do what they do. They are profit motivated and I can't blame them for that. I can't blame the tobacco companies for doing what they do. When particular products are outlawed, as alcohol was last century and as recreational drugs are now, the production usually goes underground and a criminal black market results.
I don't see guns as equivalent to pot but there are some similarities about where the manufacture of them would go if made illegal. One of the deadliest school incidents is the Virginia Tech shooting. The weapons used were handguns with standard capacity stock magazines.
At this point I believe the two of us have exhausted the possibilities for progress in the scope of this discussion. My sticking points are as follows:
assault weapons are not definable; what you cannot define, you cannot outlaw
many people are suggesting outlawing all semi-auto rifles; there are likely about 90,000,000 of them...
many people are suggesting outlawing ARs; there are around 9,000,000 of them...
I would have a problem with a house to house search
My suggestions include:
improve background checks
allow everyone selling a gun to have a local sheriff or PD run a BGC on their buyer
legalize many recreational drugs (many shootings arise from drug trafficking)
subsidize local law enforcement for hiring more officers and civilian assistants
stop dropping the prosecution of gun possession by prohibited persons
subsidize metal detectors for schools public and private
Thanks for the discussion.