Gun Control & RKBA
Showing Original Post only (View all)Can we finally admit.. that Open Carry of Guns are a threat to the safety of the average citizen [View all]
In fact .. if you are a POC, if could cost you your life.
The more the NRA has pushed this whole idea of carrying guns keeps you safe.. the more death by guns to a degree off the chart has happened.. it puts a person in harms way..
Not only do you have the average joe citizen armed to the teeth and scared to death of his or her neighbor..but it seems to be just as prevalent in law enforcement..
Historically the NRA was formed to keep guns used by the military out of the hands of the average citizen, while protecting their 2nd amendment rights.
Just as the right tried to co-opt religion for political purposes.. they did the same with guns.
I am not opposed to guns in the least.. I was raised with them.. but having people carry in bars etc.. is nothing but asking for trouble.. because people doing open carry looking for trouble..