Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Guns. Do they make us safer? The numbers. The facts. [View all]jimmy the one
(2,717 posts)gjohnston: truth bother you Jimmy?
You call a blogger defending a far rightwing gun organization, the truth?
You call what john marshall wrote the 'truth'?, speciously including 'hateful' to make it seem they're being picked on: 'The hateful rhetoric focused on the NRA at times like these is unfair, and ignorant.
What was it when nra lapierre-head said Bill Clinton enjoyed seeing kids & people shot since it jacked up support for gun control? the truth?
You call this the truth?, a fabricated expedient 'truth' by marshall to justify nra's extreme lunacy: Of course the organization is extreme, because organizations that exist to protect rights must by their nature be vigilant against incremental incursions on the rights they protect.
this is the truth to you Johnston? is Shannon watts an extreme opponent?: They {nra} stake out the extreme defense against extreme opponents of those rights and the citizens they protect.
You call this the truth??? In this the NRA is no different from the NARAL, or the Baseball Players Association, or the Sierra Club, NOW, or the ACLU,
Lunatic fringe it's better put for the nra bd of directors, the others not. Did marshall say anything about the nra fleecing people for donations the past 30 years? buying off republican politicians? misrepresenting those opposed to their points of view? including even politicos who they once supported? The nra is only rarely mainstream America, nra generally advocates asinine hard right positions, which most of us democrats could not support (excluding you dino Johnston). Marshall's specious manipulations put the nra in a good light.
Johnston: truth bother you Jimmy?
You want I should take a few hours & compile a medley of your posts where you were either lying or fabricating or half truthing? Your links, your sources tend to be a joke, since you rarely cite from them - you usually post 'links alone' (liar's links) as if they support you by default or something.
Here you were labeling brady campaign making 'one sided claims', when the links you posted to disprove brady, 3 of 4 were from 'one sided' rightwing sources!!!!
july 5, 2015: Johnston: Everything else is one sided claims from Brady Campaign, who can't even tell the truth about fundraising. Citing the Brady Campaign is like citing the NRA, and should be taken just as seriously.
jimmy the one: Yet 3 of the 4 links which Johnston cites, are from 'one sided' apparently right wing pro gun sources, a right wing author from 'ethics alarms', 'arms and the law', as well as right leaning democrat gary kleck's 'point blank' book via amazon.
post 8 and 18, then more:
Here's Johnston denying he said 'one sided claims':
Post 23: johnston: I didn't say anything about "one sided claims" Jimmy, I said accurate and unbiased.
post 8: Johnston: Everything else is one sided claims from Brady Campaign, who can't even tell the truth about fundraising.
This Josh Marshall from ethics alarm might have occasional unbiased views, but it doesn't justify his right wing coddling to some extreme groups, just to create some specious facade that he's trying to remain 'fair'. I think josh marshall might be pandering to all sides, in order to gain rapport with gosh golly everyone.
Here's a couple blogs, neither of which I endorse since new to me, tell me what you think of their views, j man:
Apr 2010 Ethics Alarms Go Off, "It's Jack Marshall! It's Jack Marshall!" I had never heard of Jack Marshall until he made clear he believed Eric Turkewitz to be the scourge of ethical lawyers everywhere by, um, playing an April Fool's Joke that snared the New York Times. Jack is the most ethical person in the universe, just ask him. Anyone who disagrees with him, is.... not-ethical. He's right, he's right, he's right, and everyone else is wrong.
One could say (and one did) that Chris Cuomo and Kate Bolduan got off the rough start on their CNN morning show.. Except that
their show hasnt even debuted yet. That little factoid still didnt stop the blog Ethics Alarms from slamming Cuomo and Bolduan he issued this hilarious pseudo-correction:
josh.. Update, correction, and a mystery: When I wrote this post, the designated Dunces were identified as Chris Cuomo and Kate Bolduan, the new kids on the CNN block.. a helpful reader tells me that Cuomo and Bolduan havent debuted yet.. If someone knows who the pair was I watched before Carol Costello made her always unwelcome entrance, I will identify the real dunces. For now, Ill just apologize to Chris and Kate.
In an effort to assist Mr. Marshall, I present a new tool called the Google Machine.