Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: What is the best ccw self defense gun in your opinion? [View all]S_B_Jackson
(906 posts)is a FEG 9mm is absolutely brutal to shoot and since it doesn't weigh anything, it provides little resistance to the recoil and you absorb most of the force in the web of your thumb, in your wrist, in you elbow. I never shoot more than 2 magazines (6 rounders) before I just slide into my other role of posture-coach and designated magazine re-loader for the rest of the family.
As for appropriation by an S.O., she got a CPO that was worn and I found a LNIB two-tone at a good price which she covets but I won't let her shoot. She tries to tell me "That's too pretty to be a man's gun..."
She was assaulted in her own home by a burglar several years ago, she was fortunate that her roommate and BFF had forgotten something and had to return home - heard the ruckus coming from my now-wife's bedroom, and retrieved the shotgun that had been her housewarming gift from her father. The sound of that 12-guage shotgun's having a shell racked into the chamber spooked the assailant and he jumped out of the second story window rather than find out what might happen.
Hopefully, this pistol will suit you - good luck and safe shootin'.