x-post: Democrat Steven Horsford introduces bill to decriminalize marijuana [View all]
Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev., has introduced legislation that would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level.
“States that have voted to legalize marijuana for medical and/or recreational use should not fear federal agents raiding their businesses and intimidating their citizens,” Horsford said.
He said the bill doesn’t force states to legalize pot but would simply direct the Attorney General to remove marijuana from the list of controlled substances and put it under the federal Alcohol Administration Act.
That would allow the treasury secretary to regulate the import, shipping and sales of pot in interstate or foreign commerce.
Read more: http://www.nevadaappeal.com/news/local/11679150-113/marijuana-states-bill-federal
Please contact Democrat, Steven Horsford, to support him in this bill.
Also contact your state representative to indicate your support for Horsford's bill.
Things are happening!
Link to representative's names and contact info: http://www.house.gov/representatives/
Link to Horsford: http://horsford.house.gov/