Regarding the Implementation of Trump's Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship [View all]
Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Implementation of President Trumps Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship
Issued on: July 29, 2020
On Monday, the Department of Commerce, as directed by President Donald J. Trumps Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship, filed a petition to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. The petition requests that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) clarify that Section 230 does not permit social media companies that alter or editorialize users speech to escape civil liability. The petition also requests that the FCC clarify when an online platform curates content in good faith, and requests transparency requirements on their moderation practices, similar to requirements imposed on broadband service providers under Title I of the Communications Act. President Trump will continue to fight back against unfair, un-American, and politically biased censorship of Americans online.
The executive order goes back to May.
Thu May 28, 2020:
Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship
I think he's confused, because the Commerce Department filed the petition two days ago.
Commerce Department Asks Federal Communications Commission to Reconsider Section 230 Protections
Published 1 day ago on July 27, 2020
By Emily McPhie
July 27, 2020 The U.S. Commerce Department under the Trump administration on Monday followed through on the presidents orders and filed a petition asking the Federal Communications Commission to issue proposed rules narrowing the protections of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
A handful of large social media platforms delivering varied types of content over high-speed internet have replaced the sprawling world of dial-up Internet Service Providers and countless bulletin boards hosting static postings, read the petition, issued by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
Further, with artificial intelligence and automated methods of textual analysis to flag harmful content now available
platforms no longer need to manually review each individual post but can review, at much lower cost, millions of posts.
The petition clothed in the language of clarifying intermediary protections provided to online platforms listed several specific areas of possible ambiguity for the FCC to address, including the meaning of otherwise objectionable language and the requirement that removals be done in good faith.
Pro-technology groups were immediately critical of the administrations effort.