Your Boss Can Now Search Your Car [View all]
Thanks to Trump, Labor Board gave employers permission to search your personal property.
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has given employers a sweeping ability to increase surveillance on their employees. The case overturns years of labor law that protected the privacy of workers.
On June 24th, the board issued a ruling that expanded an employers right to surveil their workforce. In the decision, the board said that employers have the right to search employees personal property while they are on the companys property. This would include allowing a boss to search someones car, locker, or personal workspace. T
he board also said that a company can track employee activity on company-provided devices, networks, and computer systems.
The ruling, which will be known as Verizon Wireless, applied the Boeing Rule which said that companies can institute policies that govern what is and is not allowed in the workplace.