It was quite a Christmas Eve dinner. Merlin went above and beyond to keep people entertained [View all]
Once again he has proven he is brave and fearless. Nobody was denied the chance to cuddle and fall in love with him. Gryff, who is a VERY social fur baby, was Merlin's only competition for attention. Madoc made an appearance but I thing he was just checking on me.
I was exhausted from all of the prep work and cooking and managed to slice my thumb open while dicing potatoes but everyone else had a great time, which is the goal of the whole hosting thing. I had the dishes done before everyone left so once the house was quiet, I headed to bed.
Madoc is truly my empathy boy. He curled up with me and purred me to sleep. He was still with me when I woke up. Well, he woke me up with a gentle pat on my nose because, well, BREAKFAST. Merlin spent last night with Gryff, cuddled up on a very plus blanket that's festooned with Tigers, a gift from my niece. Arthur was MIA. He is very so-so about company.
I turned down a Christmas Dinner invitation so today it's just me and the fur babies. Once I put everything away I'll light a fire in the fireplace and we will all spend the day in a snuggle puddle.
A big Meowy Christmas from me and my kid cats!!