I really didn't at the beginning, and had concerns with him going there. People fuss about the principal that's there now, but he, along with the other administration, have turned that school around. There are still fights and stuff happening, but on much less of a scale than previously. It's on the upswing.
I also can't say enough good about the daycare that my son goes to. It's been in business since 1963 and they have consistently had very little staff turnover. He 'ages' out of summer camp and aftercare in 2yrs. The main counselor for the daycare is trying to organize and get insurance for a summer "Counselor in training" program. He's approached our son to be one of the first trainees if he's interested. Our son seems very interested since he'd get to accompany them on all the daycare-wide trips and special functions they do through the summer, even though he'd be mainly working with the younger kids.
When the time comes, I'm going to be sorry to stop doing business with them (though finances will be much better). Those daycare workers have been part of our daily lives since 1995 - when my daughter started attending at 2yo. I have time to think about it, but I want to do something special for all the workers there.
Hmmmm, I wonder how many parents have been customers there for 20 yrs?