Not an unreasonable authoritarian who thinks (or thought) anyone LGBTQ+ was broken/damaged/demonically possessed or in need or psychiatric treatment or lobotomization
or outright evil and satanic simply because they werent Republicans or didnt agree with everything the church said.
Before my siblings and I attempted to be independent things were relatively reasonably ok as long as the eggshells we walked on didnt crack. After? Well, see above 👆
Less bickering, faking for appearances sake, drinking and fighting to badly cope with the church/family-forbidden alternative of getting a divorce.
Thats also the abridged edition.
So, not that.
Someone who encouraged college, engaging (in a non-propagandistic way) with new opinions and making friends even if they didnt agree with them, and the concept of therapy, independence, financial skills, job interviews and other practical things. That didnt pit siblings against each other and act as spies to rat on non-church-approved-anything, or rope us in as metaphorical human shields in their endless arguments, or force us to take almost all initiative to get any independence or skills from them or the church, or call us stupid for not absorbing all information perfectly at their level under that stress growing up. That wouldve been nice.