Hi friends, I need an alternative to current paint to cover calsomine. [View all]
This old house has gone thru 200 years of do-it-yourself work.
I just bit the bullet and had a very reasonable contractor come to do work that I am no longer able to handle.
The ceilings on my house are coated with calsomine. The stuff smells awful and painting it was a lesson to my late husband and me when we tried to paint the ceilings years ago. I think we must have done the work with the windows open.
I bought Cal-Coater for the rehab job and --well--this stuff smells to high heaven. The painter did the job on the ceilings that most needed the work and, if I can scrape the $$ together, I will have him come back in the warm weather to finish. This paint smelled so bad I thought we would faint.
Is there anything available that will cover calsomine other than 'Cal-Coater"? I don't want to demean the product but the fumes are enough to make you faint. I need to have the project finished in the warm weather (windows and fan) or find another less smelly product that will do the job while this contractor is not doing outside work.
Any ideas will be a great help.