My new love affair [View all]
No, no, wait! Come back! This is in the right category.
Although I'd always known about the website, I'd never found time to get over there. Then I did the other day and absolutely flipped. Head over heels in love, I am.
Impossible as it may be for me ever to move again at my age, I used to be quite the nomad and therefore appreciated collapsible furnishings, etc. Instructables has some of the simplest things that even I could easily make. My favorite? The plank chair. That could easily be worked into a nice traveling table with a big piece of plywood or something. The chairs would lend themselves to all sorts of fancy designwork too. There was even a collapsible occasional table. Etc. Maybe I fell under their spell because it reminds me of my footloose early days.
I'll also bet even $ that part of the attraction is encouragement that if my area ever did suffer some terrible natural disaster, I could easily start over in a congenial manner. One less stressor in my life.
Or maybe I grew bored, who knows. I just want to recommend the place to anyone who might've been living under a rock the last decade or so and doesn't yet know. Especially if they like/need to do a lot of things themselves even though they're all thumbs like me.
Maybe it's spring fever and my gardening hasn't taken the edge off yet. I WANT TO BUILD SOMETHING!