It draws 1500 watts max so that indicates that it will be a much more efficient unit than what we're using which is very good or propane or electric our other two options
I figure it will take me a week to install it as I've got to remove our air conditioner from the the wall and patch it because where it is now is where I'll put the inside unit. I'll try to remember to let you know how it's working here in a couple three weeks.
The last thing I want to do is send anyone down the wrong path.
I have a friend who installed one last fall and he's heating the same amount of floor space as I, I don't think his house has as much insulation as we do. So far his electric bill has gone up 32 bucks a month from what it was last season and that was for the month of December which was the coldest month we've had that he's gotten a bill for. This last month I think has been somewhat colder than December was though. He was using 500 plus gallons of propane per winter and not keeping his house as warm as he is now. 68 on propane, 73 on the mini split.
I know another person who changed their central air unit to a heat pump and its cut their heating bill by a half. Where they live they have natural gas which is a lot cheaper to use that either propane or electric is.
Its hard to compare one winter to the next as the weather changes but last winter around here was real close to what we're seeing this winter.
Our pellet stove is pretty efficient and this winter we'll spend somewhere close to 500 bucks to heat with so if this unit saves us a couple hundred bucks or so a year it will have paid for itself by the time my wife retires. I'm already there on fixed income. I'll be 65 thursday of this week.