Simple and Delicious Garlic Chutney Recipe (in the style of Toum) (video) [View all]
This sauce is so basic that it pops up just about everywhere in the old world. In Western Europe it might be known as aioli, while in the Levant it is known as toum, a transliteration of the Arabic word for garlic. Toum is typically just garlic with oil and juice; the version presented here was inspired by a hot sauce we encountered at a Somali restaurant in Toronto and also contains cilantro and fresh, green hot peppers, something like a cross between toum and basbaas.
There is no purer expression of garlic flavour than this. The type of garlic you use will definitely change the flavour, so make sure you like the garlic you're using! The hot pepper is completely optional, but it does add a very pleasant heat that complements the garlic heat very nicely. You could also make this hotter with a hotter pepper. We have fresh serranos in the garden, but you could really amp it up with a fresh scotch bonnet or habanero.
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