Does anyone else have Trigeminal neuralgia? [View all]
I got it around 8 years ago, and it took ping-ponging between my doctor and dentist several times before it was diagnosed and I was put on medication that took care of it. It never came back so I thought it was a one-off, but last week it came back and worse than before. It affects the left hand side of my face on my jaw and teeth, and during an attack the spasms go right up through my ear. I've tried to describe the pain to friends, but even though I've got a high tolerance level with pain, there's no way I can describe this pain that gets across just how bad it is.
Because the doctor knew what it was this time, he put me straight on Lyrica, so I only suffered two sleepless nights. I've been a bit depressed this week because I can't work until it's cleared up, and my doctor told me the attacks will get more frequent and intense as I get older. Plus I made the mistake of looking at an online support forum, and it was full of people where TN has totally debilitated them, and I don't want to be like that.