Received this great news yesterday after my oncologist reviewed the results of my PET Scan. Amazing news and a big relief, needless to say, not to mention the joy of not having to prepare myself for another round of chemo in about 8 days (competed my sixth and last three day round 10 days ago). As I mentioned in my previous post, my strain of NH Lymphoma is very rare and also very aggressive (AITL T Cell NH) and the possibility of it returning is pretty high. The next step, is to consult with a specialist at Sloan Kettering (in NY) and the director of stem cell transplants at Sylvester (Miami) to discuss their suggestions for higher probability of a cure.
But for now, I am extremely grateful that this chapter of this bizarre journey has come to a close and to all of the amazing people in my life who helped get me through this including making sure I was never alone during a chemo treatment and surrounding me with love and healing.
No idea what's to come next but I am taking things one day at a time and remembering to pay attention to the things that matter most- relishing time with loved ones, doing things I really enjoy, focusing more on being mindful (and connected to my spirituality) and compassionate and healing from what was a rather traumatic experience. And eating ice cream as much as possible!
Thanks to all of you who reached out to me when this adventure began back in January and for anyone on a similar journey who feel like reaching out, feel free. Connecting with someone who's "been there" really does make a huge difference.