It's not clear what your situation is. Do you live alone or is someone else there to help you?
There probably isn't much you can do except honor what your body is telling you. Since you aren't able to work or go to school you, fortunately, don't have anything getting in the way of staying in bed or on the couch and simply resting. Let your body restore itself.
Many years ago I had thyroid cancer and an operation to remove the thyroid. There definitely was fatigue, especially during chemotherapy and I rested my body as much as possible. Someone told me back then that my body was telling me something and I ought to listen to it. You may do more harm if you try to fight the situation.
I ask if you are alone because it would help to have someone preparing food and drink, including lots of veggies, like spinach and other green stuff. Very important. I don't like to tell people to go out and buy things, but I have found a Nutri-Bullit, or something like it to be a valuable tool. If you have a Bed and Bath in the neighborhood they have 20% off coupons which allowed me to buy one about a year ago for the lowest price out there - I think it was $79 with the discount. If you're not up to cooking much you can throw some very good stuff in the blender (it's actually an emulsifier) and you can get some good nutritional stuff pretty quickly and the clean up is very easy. May not be too taxing if you are alone.
I wish you the best and hope you rest as much as possible and not worry about getting over the fatigue right now. Hopefully, it too shall pass.
Wishing you the best.