Women don't define themselves by sex, society does. For example, see the "joke" offered by post #4 in this thread. If you are not beautiful (defined by fashion magazines) then you are less valued in society (if you are a women). Feminism does not tell women to wear 5 inch heels, society does. And women do because they want to be valued. It is sad that women feel compelled to torture themselves to please men, but don't blame feminism. When feminists first rebelled against the ridiculous leg shaving, clown makeup, and breast fetishizing bras, they got mocked as "bra burners." And they are still called "hairy-legged feminazis" by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.
I think you missed the point of that drunk girl video. It was not saying women should drink all they want and men should take care of them. It was that women who drink too much should be treated like men who drink too--let them sleep it off on couch. A man must not consider that an invitation to rape. If a man must "do something," do what the guy in that video did and just make her comfortable. In other words, treat women like human beings.