that would be a feminism that does not seem to be able to conceptualize or to manifest itself in any form other than as some reaction to men. One of the main reasons this concerns me is that it can really lead to a self-reinforcing circular culture of victimhood that will prevent women from discovering, AMONGST THEMSELVES, what it is to be female for females' sake alone and not so dependent upon, not so relative to, how men define themselves and what men are doing.
An example of this could be what questions about "slut shaming" relate to. Some of the subject behaviors are indeed relatively innocent female vitality, some of the subject behaviors are, intentionally or otherwise, slut behaviors and it isn't necessary to judge anyone personally to talk honestly about and to hold ourselves, and to call others to be, accountable for which behavior is which, whichever any given woman, as is her right, does CHOOSE.
Being able to do that sort of thing for ourselves also does not necessitate yielding one iota from the principle that rape IS rape, because force/coercion/power/violence ARE force/coercion/power/violence.