We have a very vocal minority. I have grown up believing I was a feminist but was challenged immediately by Iverglas she thought not. She seemed to have of supporters who hung on her every dictum. He /she is gone now.
Her fan club remains. She left some haters for me. They all hate me for my way of thinking. I had three son's who must have marked my brain with testosterone. I can't blame men for everything. I think it may be an intergenerational problem. I will be 57 on Thursday. Living through the 60's and 70's changes your perspective.
My son's have said the same things to me about DU, your wife has said to you ie 'why do you want to hang out with people like that?'
Second wave stated in the 60's we wanted what we saw as the male privileges for ourselves and to do that we acted like men. The guy's grew long hair and got a man purse, they acted more feminine. How we got here has a history it did not happen in a vacuum.We marched against Viet Nam, we crusaded for black power, the homosexuals had Stonewall riots and that beget the gay parades, I followed what Sonja Johnson had to say even though I was a young Mormon mom. I read Now magazine. I believed in civil rights for everyone. We were very activist marchers and even rioted in the 60s.
Now that many of those groups are mainstream the focus seems to have switched to protection and image maintenance. even though I took sociology and read The Boys of Boise, the past is not a welcome subject. Everyone is Modern Family, and no scandalous park bathroom history may be alluded to, everyone arrived where we are at in a celestial limousine from heaven. everyone is so sure you are 'slurring' them.