Hello, I'm Starry Messenger! I'd like to nominate myself as a co-host for the Feminists Group. I enjoy the community of DU women and the discussions that have grown here.
I've been a feminist since going to art school, where the deep divisions of male/female representations both in art and in the art world were glaring.
I'm a teacher, a largely feminine profession that is under attack from right-wing corporate forces. I make it part of my mission in the classroom to empower young women to express themselves and to find a way to see the world their own way as artists and women.
I'm Host of Socialist Progressives and I like the idea of crossover between Feminism and left-wing anti-capitalist discussion, since sometimes the latter can be heavily male-dominated and Feminism needs to be part of that conversation too.
I've been co-host of Feminism & Diversity, and was part of the project to propose this group to focus on intersectionality.
I'm also co-host of the Education Group, where all of my interests intersect. I like working for DU, I think it encourages collegiality and communication between members and I've enjoyed this aspect of DU3. Thank you for your time and consideration.