So how do feminists respond to hostile takeovers, dictatorships or authoritarian regimes? [View all]
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Ohio Joe (a host of the Feminists group).
Stalin died after watching the Bolshoi ballet's magnificent ballerina Maya Plisetskaya dance Swan Lake (he had gone incognito, dressed as a regular guy, without bodyguards- she did not even know he was in the audience) . He just went home and died. Stalin had killed her father, sent Maya and her mother and brothers to a concentrations camp.....but then there she was dancing with such beauty and force some 35 years later.....and what? What about her dancing encouraged this transformation?
What is our do humans in general respond (guerilla warfare, secret societies, etc)?
Do feminist respond in a different or unique way? Can we somehow harness the power of the life force/creative energies/beauty of life to topple dictators? Maya did, it seems.
Can a ruler who has adopted the most extreme style of the patriarchy be released from their personal prisons, called back into the fold of fellowship with others and be healed?