Women Make Less Than Men With the Same Exact Titles in the Same Exact Companies [View all]
The report notes that while those gaps are much smaller than the overall wage gap, they are still troubling. For one thing, some of the variables that are accounted for may not be about women simply choosing lower paying paths. They may have fewer years of experience, for example, because women are still expected to do more work caring for family members and are more likely to take a break from their careers to do so.
And any gap between men and women doing the exact same work is still troubling, even if it isn’t quite as large. About a third of the raw gap that Glassdoor found without variables remains unexplained by them and is therefore “due to differences in the way the labor market rewards men and women with the same characteristics, or due to unobserved worker characteristics.” In other words, it may simply exist because of pervasive bias against women in the workplace. New research has also found that women are paid less because employers value women’s work less.