"Cold Beer and Titties": Sexism at Texas Boys State Conference [View all]
At this year's Texas Boys State conference, 920 high school students, or statesmen as they're referred to, gathered at the University of Texas at Austin to form municipalities, run for office, and pass legislation.
During their hectic week learning the "rights, privileges, and responsibilities of franchised citizens," they debated the legalization of marijuana and drafted strategies for water conservation and education and immigration reform.
They also gave speeches touting "Cold Beer and Titties," designed campaign logos showing women in bikinis, and created a party platform shaming teenage mothers.
He said he approached a party leader for further explanation of the requirement that pregnant teenagers on welfare must "out" themselves to their neighbors and was told:
"So you know how sex offenders have to go door to door, basically it's the same concept except the teen pregnant mom has to go door to door." The leader added, "We're not trying to shame them, we're just trying to get them help from the community."
More at
http://www.burntorangereport.com/diary/15376/sexism-at-texas-boys-state .
Cross-posted in the Texas Group.