The article is an out and out lie. And that study? Lots of lies surrounding it by those vested in HRT. The reason "the study" was discontinued was not because it wasn't valid--it is because it WAS, and the researchers stopped when the evidence this stuff was poison was overwhelming. HRT deserved to be tossed into the trash bin by most women as something to be taken long term.
Almost all of the alleged "health benefits," except for the protection against osteoporosis, of HRT are actually risks one takes in taking it longer than one is supposed to. The current recommendation is to take the lowest dosage possible for the fewest years possible. Five years is what I had most recently read was the maximum number of years to take it. Women should NEVER start taking it after age 60. At some point, women have to come off HRT, and those despised symptoms will return. For me, it was much better to simply tough it out. I am 69 years old now, and almost everything in menopause but occasional night sweats have passed. I haven't shriveled up, and I am far more active than most women my age.
Too many women have been brainwashed to think that HRT is somehow the "fountain of youth." Many women are taking it LONG after they are supposed to be taking it for some mistaken idea that HRT is a cure for "aging." Often, there is a man behind the scenes who is whining he isn't getting any or isn't getting enough.
It's like people still believe in the garbage peddled by the Wyeth Labs' sponsored book, Feminine Forever, back in the 1960s proclaiming menopause a disease and that women going through the change were basically not women anymore.