Bill Maher went way too far Friday night and I hope he gets what's coming to him. [View all]
I haven't been able to watch him in a couple of years, yet for some reason, I watched a couple of clips from his Friday show. Once again, I was aghast. Instead of his usual misogyny, he went for trans kids. Good god, when can we let these kids (and adults) alone?
I'm sure he'll play the victim again and profess to be targeted by the "cancel mafia" or whatever he's calling it these days Sure, he has the right to say what he said, and I have the right to speak out against his transphobia. I guess that's what I get for finally daring to watch a clip of his show again. It certainly won't happen again.
My heart goes out to the LGBTQI community. Please know you have straight allies in this country who will fight for and beside you.