Profiled the gender stereotypes, expectations "boys wear blue, girls wear pink" in absolute terms. Even when these were getting criticized for such antiquated notions, there they were, even used as primary reading materials in a rather backward rural area where 1950's era textbooks were still issued, despite duct-taped, rotting binders and annoyingly outdated reinforcements of "daddy goes to work, mommie washes the dishes". I always found those series sickeningly dated.
Forward half a century, and I see some curious throw-back neighbors cringeworthy reactions to any male wearing anything colorful, themselves having NEVER donned anything more joie de vivre than a mattress cover, daily. Such who cannot even follow a conversation containing any 3 syllable terms, sipping their beer, burp...
The moral to my story becomes sickeningly apparent when they land on my imaging table with all consuming pancreatitis (and all too often these days, positive for methamphetamine abuse) poster-boys for toxic masculinity.
It seemed like the greatest-generation, due-for-retirement teachers were still endevouring to cement these absolutes into us, to the extent of myself on the receiving end of physical punishments for perceived violations of behavioral standards. I can't recall what I was punished for, only the sting of the paddle.
To this day, those nightmares make me say "Plug the fuck in, Fox News". Pedaling the above talking point seems doubly hypocritical... but attempting to convince such boomers of such runs smack into obstinate dunning/kruger effect.
And they vote.