Not all people can afford to be out. There is NO protection for gay people in employment OR housing in Alabama (and several other states), meaning a gay person can lose their home or job, or both. So, don't be so cavalier with statements like "If you're out, you can't be blackmailed.", because, unlike heterosexuals, gay folk don't always have the luxury of job or housing protection, and many would outright be rejected by family and friends.
"who gives a flying fuck what your sexuality is? "
Would you like a run down of recent hate crimes committed against GLBT people? Would you like a review of the onslaught of court cases against us in courts around the country, as well as the Supreme Court? Would you like a break down of places where GLBT people are shunned, refused service, or attacked just for being gay? You may not give a "flying fuck" as long as it isn't "in your face" (how nice
), but there are many people who do and make our lives miserable. Need another example...RE READ the article above!