Creative Speculation
In reply to the discussion: Skygate 911 [View all]superbeachnut
(381 posts)From "The Big Bamboozle" by Philip Marshall, Chapter 6, page 26:
"High speed and low-level maneuvers training is evident when we see the extraordinary flight profiles and FAA radar recordings. For example, American 88, after navigating from 300 miles directly to a relatively small area, executed a difficult descending low-altitude 330-degree steep turn before it torpedoed the Pentagon just three feet off the ground at 540 miles per hour. As a twenty-year Boeing pilot and captain on the 757, I would be challenged to duplicate this performance without several practice flights" - dballance
High speed? lol, nope the decent from 7,000 feet (aka not a low-level maneuver - you were fooled) was not at high speed but generally the speed a Boeing jet loves to do all by itself, trimmed up for cruise, the 757 wanted to go 300 KIAS, you were fooled by a liar, actually and idiot who failed to do any reality based research evidenced by his failure to explain this "maneuver fantasy" he googled up to sell a book filled with nonsense.
330-degree steep turn? Liar, it was a 330-degree less than standard rate turn, taking more time than standard to complete, at bank angles of 17 to 37 degrees, not close to steep bank. A steep bank would be in excess of 45 degrees maintained. Sorry, this one is a big bust. You were lied to.
Flight 77 was not flying 3 feet above the ground, it was in a constant decent to impact at the Second floor first floor point. Then the liar author says he can't fly as good as the terrorists; it would take him three to five practice flights to do what a terrorist pilot did the first time. You believe a liar, and a pilot who brags he can't fly as good as a terrorist, the same as johndoeX, can't hit a 900 foot wide 77 foot high target without practice. What bunch of failed pilots 911 truth has to back up the anti-government lies they made up to fool gullible people.
The video is from the FDR, with dumbed down comments from johndoeX and the pilots who can't hit the Pentagon without training. I never flew with pilots who made claims of how they couldn't fly, now those are some pilots you don't want to be flying with.
Did you watch the video, it is from the FDR, from 77, it has no high speed decent in the slow sloppy turn from 7,000 feet, and the high speed part, lasted what? How long was 77 over Vmo? Watch the video? no
13:37:23 to 13:37:44, wow, 21 seconds over Vmo, and the FDR was missing 4 or 5 seconds from the Decode due to damage to the final frames of data, but can be manually extracted, and was. Final speed 483.5 Knots. Do you have the FDR readout, pilots for truth do, and they know they are spreading lies because RADAR proves it was the Flight 77 which impacted at the Pentagon. 26 seconds over Vmo, I have done that myself by accident, the plane did not crash, it was easy to control, and with the engines at full power, speed is easy to reach - pilots for truth have to lie about that.
The time is Zulu time, you make up stuff as you go? johndoeX did not make the video, he made it dumber with the silly comments which are not indicative of an instructor pilot, but someone who is spreading lies about 911.