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In reply to the discussion: Ghosts, UFOs, ESP, Astrology, Free Energy, Clairvoyant........ [View all]Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 16, 2011, 05:15 PM - Edit history (1)
Okay -- thought it was this thread, but maybe not, where someone demanded that astrology be able to be proven via repeatable, predictable results.
Hard to do.
Why? For life predictions, I can best answer by giving a few examples.
First, though, let's talk about natal charts -- your personal mandala.
A birth chart is constructed based on the time, date and place of birth, and no 2 people ever share those three things identically, not even twins.
No repeatability possible in such a situation.
Now, there are parts and pieces of any natal chart that are repeatable, but anything in a chart is going to be modified a little or a lot by the other things in that chart, so you have to make allowances for that. Now, those modifications are pretty much knowable if you know astrology, but not definitively enough to pass the rigors of science, I don't believe.
Predicting the course of one's life -- difficult but absolutely not impossible. But impossible to repeat.
Here are some examples of things I've experienced in my life with transits, which are the movement of today's planets across my natal chart:
Once upon a time I was very clever and changed our auto insurance to save us money. I had forgotten about a big ole nasty ticket one of us had gotten a few years prior but our new insurance company reminded me. So we ended up paying MORE than we had been paying. When I later looked at my transits, I saw that Pluto, the planet that rules insurance and a bunch of other things, had been hitting my natal Pluto (in the 8th House which rules insurance and other things), at a 90 degree angle, which is a square and considered challenging. An astrologer might have noted that coming up for me and said: You're going to have some challenges regarding joint finances, maybe insurance, or other similar things, so you'll want to be careful starting anything new, buying or selling securities, or otherwise making any changes to your joint financial situation during the period of ___ to ___ because they're unlikely to work out for you as you hope. "
No repeatability here, though you CAN get plenty of stories of people having problems related to Pluto subjects when Pluto is squaring Pluto, something that happens twice a lifetime if you live a good long time, or just once if not. Just as you can get plenty of stories -- millennia worth -- of people's experiences when this or that or the other happens in their charts. But "anecdotal evidence" to some who love science to the exclusion of everything else is no evidence at all.
Now, please be sure to note well that it was AFTER the fact that I looked at my astrology for the time period. I rarely look at my chart ahead of time, but am more likely to say, "hey, what was THAT all about?" or "what the hell is going on?" and take a look to see if there's anything in my chart and current transits that explains it, and also how long it will last.
Another incident a LOT of years ago: Before I foreswore looking at my chart ahead of time, I had noted that the planet that rules electricity, excitement, the sudden and unexpected, and computers (plus a whole lot more), would be transiting my natal Jupiter, which rules personal improvement and expansion, higher education, and much more. I had no idea what to expect, but Jupiter is a very GOOD planet, so I was looking for something positive. Well, time passed, Uranus approached and nothing happened. I was a little petulant: Well, at least I was expecting a little excitement! Then I had a chance to buy one of the very early Mac SEs and did so. Oh, my. Exciting? That's an understatement. I was head over heels in love, totally obsessed and even started existing on just several hours of sleep a night learning this wondrous machine and getting competent.
Not exactly repeatable.
So there I was trying to master desktop publishing. I was trying and trying and trying for about a week and a half to get something to work out, and just couldn't make it happen no matter what I did. Boy! was I frustrated. You ever try to put a Chinese puzzle or something together and it just won't fit and then suddenly, it just slips into place? That's what happened for me -- one afternoon it just slipped into place, as if there'd never been a problem. I don't remember what it was, I just remember the sense of my mouth dropping open when it did, after all that struggle. What happened astrologically? Well, what happened in my chart that synchronistically reflected what happened in my life is that Saturn, which rules some aspects of computers, changed motion from retrograde (seeming to be going backwards as viewed from earth) to direct (going forward) that very afternoon and that I too was finally able to move forward.
Not very repeatable, but you can find a gazillion similar stories about retrograde planets going direct.
Another: When I first wanted to learn astrology -- back in the very early 1980s, we were getting ready to move. I'd found a correspondence course I wanted to take, but not having an address had to wait until we did. Wellll, one of the things I was able to later see was that my urge to learn astrology was at the same time the planet that rules astrology (Uranus) was approaching my Ascendant, a very potent point in anyone's chart. And I wasn;'t able to sign up for it until the planet made it to my Ascendent, and not before. (Coming within one degree usually activates whatever the transit is going to mean.)
No repeatability there either.
One more: My mother got sick and I went "home" to be with her. She had a brain tumor and I was profoundly happy that I could be with her at that time. I thought I was going to be able to take her home with me, but the day I picked up the airline tickets she lapsed into a coma -- surprising her doctor who thought she had several months left -- and a few days later she died.
Not long after we all got back home after the funeral, we learned that we were going to have to move (husband transferred) -- away from the only place I'd ever felt was home for me, a place I loved with all my heart, and it broke my heart. Bad enough to lose my mother, now I was losing my home.
Later I learned that you often have to take care of someone ill when Saturn, the planet of restriction and loss, moves through your 12th house, and that's exactly what was going on when I was with my dying mother. Saturn crossed my Ascendant (which is the cusp of the first house) when we moved.
None of that is repeatable, although again: people have had similar experiences with all these and the other planets for millennia -- but anecdotal evidence doesn't count. Or at least it doesn't count to the people here. Humans can have built whole systems of knowledge based on their empirical evidence obtained by direct observation over millennia, but if it doesn't include double-bind studies with sugar pills given to a control group, it's not evidence to the people here at DU.
Sorry, there ain't no sugar pills in astrology.
Edited to add something I forgot: I've enjoyed this little exchange, but it's taken more time than I have, and I won't be able to continue it. Sorry.
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