Just came across a fascinating radio broadcast- John B. Wells hosting [View all]
Don't laugh- a Coast to Coast program; but John B. Wells usually has
very legitimate guests. Not Bigfoot hunters and the like, but serious
analysts and authors like the two on this program about the 9-11, the BFEE
and current world events.
Russ Baker is the author of "Family of Secrets" about the BFEE-
And the first guest is Craig B Hulet-
I came across the program looking up links about the "Family of Secrets."
I've listened to it twice now...
"Part 1 - Craig Hulet [author: Hydra of Carnage] discussing US gov. controlled by corporatism; then Part 2 - Russ Baker [author: Family of Secrets] discusses ten years after 9/11 and much needed questions not covered by mainstream media. Host: John B. Wells"
http://whowhatwhy.com/ is Baker's web site- GREAT LBN and analysis- and he mentions
in the interview with Wells, that Bill Moyers visits the site regularly! Great Stuff!
The callers into the program sounds like a DU discussion from the archives on PNAC!
Check it out-