There it is right there in Article 8 (2) (b) (xvi)
As far as Despoiled.
Cambridge Dictionary.
to make a place less attractive especially by taking things away from it by force:
Many of the tombs had been despoiled.
Merriam Webster
: to strip of belongings, possessions, or value
: to severely damage or ruin (a place)
The landscape has been despoiled by industrial development.
2 : to forcefully take what is valuable from (a place)
The invaders despoiled [=plundered] the village.
To despoil a place means to make it less attractive, valuable, or important by taking things away from it or by destroying it.
Strongest matches
Strong matches
deprive desecrate desolate devastate devour dispossess divest loot maraud pillage plunder raid rifle rob sack
spoil strip vandalize waste wreck
Weak matches
wreak havoc
And you said I didn't look up the definitions? Despoiled does not mean grave robbing. Grave robbery can be a type of it but it also means quite a bit more as I have shown
Sadly, if not pathetically so, your newfound interest doesn't extend to actually looking up things before you say what you think they are. Or are you going to show me where "despoiled" is synonymous with grave robbing somewhere?
Once again,
Rule 113 (of the Geneva convention) states that Each party to the conflict must take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. Mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited. This rule is applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.
Personally, I'm having a blast with these conversations with you and look forward to them every night.