But, there still remains the idea of a settle-colonial situation. This is where settlers come into permanently replace the pre-existing settlements and totally establish and replace the indigenous people with their own.
There still remains an idea that is just an idea. That so-called idea, upon closer examination, is more like a long held prejudice by the Christian world, with all the pogroms and genocide (in the name of the Jew, Jesus) that have gone with that.
You must not have read the article, or my highlighting of Jewish history. You must not know, or choose not to know, the actual history of the Jewish people as indigenous to their current homeland.
I think 1947/8 and the Independence of Israel is the crucial division point.
1947/8 is actually the crucial recognition point of who the Jewish people are in history.
...is that settler colonialism? I think this is worth an examination.
You proceed with others' labels, which is simply legitimizing the basic anti-semitism of other thinkers, who you go along with in presupposing that Israeli Jews, (Jews in general?) are not equally as entitled to a homeland as those who do not want to co-exist with them.
Your "examination" is a re-hash of what so-called intellectuals have done before -- cloak their anti-semitic prejudice.
My bottom line: The onus is on the Muslim world to co-exist with the Jews. They refuse. When the Saudis even think of allowing coexistence, the rest smash that effort.
Believer wars are the bane of the planet. If humans refuse to live and let live, if they choose fear and power over love, the world will have no peace. This is not a future strategy for humanity. The few should never terrorize the many to live lifetimes of fear.
I can't agree with anything you've said about the Jews. Let's try backing Biden's approach.