Here it depends on ones politics .
As a Left wing Israeli that lived thru it all I blame our Right wing especially our religious Right wing for the failure of
Oslo .
They were responsible for the incitement that led to the assassination of Rabin and who led them ?
Bibi .
Just like today ......nothing has changed.
Read :
The contradictory afterlives of Oslo
A path to peace. A blasphemous betrayal. A cover for the occupation. How did the Oslo Accords morph into such infinitely pliable meanings?
Dahlia Scheindlin
September 12, 2023
Source :
The most generous meaning is certainly in the eyes of its architects. As former Israeli negotiator Yossi Beilin told me ahead of the 20-year anniversary, Oslo was seen as a surefire path toward a more comprehensive accord. Spoilers from both the Israeli and Palestinian sides intervened, but Beilin believed that had Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin not been assassinated in 1995 (by the far-right Israeli extremist Yigal Amir), the process would have led to final status negotiations and eventually an agreement for peace.
Snip .
The position of Israel’s nationalist-religious right can hardly be forgotten. This camp holds that the word of the Bible is literally and historically true: that God granted the Jewish people all of the territory of the modern-day West Bank (and beyond). It’s hardly worth arguing the point. But for this hardline minority, Oslo was a betrayal of divine will that could thwart the coming of the messiah. All other considerations — democracy, international law, humanity — were trifles.
Admitting reality
Thirty years later, both the dangerous and blasphemous meanings of Oslo for Israel’s right wing are fundamentally unchanged. What’s different is that security hawks have become fully content with the policies of Oslo. It is Oslo that enables Israel’s profound penetration into Palestinian life, through physical, military, bureaucratic, and cyber-surveillance mechanisms. It is Oslo that formally maintains Israel’s military control over all of the West Bank, and over Gaza by controlling its borders, airspace, and seaports, rather than directly through troops. Needless to say, in the religious vision, God’s deed to the land continues to overrule the Palestinian right to self-determination and the prohibition on conquering territory in war.
For the Israeli right, the only thing that changed is their appetite. Instead of seeking to stop Oslo from “giving away land,” the right has reinterpreted the accords as a promise to own all of it. Now, the right wing uses the Oslo-created designations of Areas A, B, and C, to accuse the Palestinians of encroaching on and taking over Area C — even though the entire settlement project, a non-stealthy juggernaut with no security justification, exists entirely in that zone.