If we were sane as a species, the people using practices like these would face charges not those exposing them...blech..
He was not grandstanding. I support this guy. The trial would have drawn more attention to their egregious cruelty.
This method should be outlawed. The American Vet Asdociation seems to have no standards at all:
The company (Iowa Select) is an influential backer of Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds.
One of the methods they used to trim herds was ventilation shutdown, which involves stopping airflow inside a facility to raise the temperature high enough to kill animals inside.
One of the methods they used to trim herds was ventilation shutdown, which involves stopping airflow inside a facility to raise the temperature high enough to kill animals inside.
American Veterinary Medical Association guidelines say the method should be a last resort after others are ruled out, that it should be done quickly enough to kill 95% of the animals within an hour, and that all must be eventually killed.
Acting on a tip from a whistleblower, a team of activists that included Johnson placed equipment inside an Iowa Select barn and recorded audio of pigs shrieking, some for hours, as the temperature rose and killed many of them.
They also captured video showing workers hours later walking through the pile of animals and shooting those showing signs of life with a bolt gun. Then, they used heavy machinery to remove the carcasses.
I support the activists. They are not criminals -they are those rare courageous people who stand for humane standards when it is in no way profitable or popular. These are real heroes. It is appalling that this is not even considered a big issue. No species with common decency behaves like this and talks about a 100 pointless issues while turning a blind eye to cruelty towards non-human life on this scale. Herein lie the roots of our cruelty to powerless humans. It is unscientific nonsense to refuse to acknowledge the egregiousness of stuff like this. Barbaric really...This is a valid use of science and tech? Boiling animals alive over hours? There is the morality of morons for you. If it isn't profitable or popular, it is not a big deal, however much your gut tells you that it is awful.
Think this species is ready to deal with all the complexities of eco-collapse? Nope.