Last edited Tue Feb 26, 2013, 01:27 PM - Edit history (2)
Most relate to how we could adjust to a post-oil economy but looking at the past and how we did live prior to oil.
I also point out there will be differences, for example the Interstate Highway System will still exist, something that did NOT exist in the pre-oil age. If you look at a road in the pre-oil age, and today's road, the difference is huge, and today's road will survive, maybe as dirt tracks but will survive (which is what happen to the Roman Roads of Imperial Rome, many survive to this day, having been abandoned and then rebuilt on the Roman Foundations).
Another set of changes is the extent of electronic communications, would it be cheaper to set up and keep up today's internet or revert to a book base system? With books you have the cost of HAULING the books all over the place, costs that can be much higher then keeping up the net. Thus I foresee the Net Surviving, and books not (Through how much of the net will survive is an open question, production of lap tops may become big business, but as stand alone computers with much of today's knowledge on each given the possibility of massive increase in stortage capacity).
Paper I did in regards to the raise and future decline of Suburbia,
Some comments in regard to German use of Horses and bicycles during WWII:
This thread lead to other threads on the same subject:
Military and peak oil:
Fusion on the Railroad tunnels to NYC:
WWII when the US used Wind to propel a Carrier:
Differences between the 1880s and today:
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