"Transition Palo Alto, for example, organizes a regular garden share, a “free” backyard farmers’ market at their local community farm or garden supply center where people bring homegrown fruit, vegetables, eggs, herbs, or honey they have to share and take home something they don’t. Fruit and veggie swaps are popular and successful in all latitudes, from Transition Town Peterborough's (Ontario) Purple Onion Festival to gatherings in Henley, Newport and Darebin across the Australian continent.
Under the motto "share what's already there," Transition Stratford in the UK has taken their Harvest Share into the local community, where members collect excess fruit from people's gardens and distribute it to care homes, children's centers, and churches. Using one of the most ancient forms of food sharing, Transition Sarasota's Suncoast Gleaning Project has moved 75,000 pounds of fresh, local, organic, and tax-deductible surplus produce from local farms to their local Florida food bank. Talk about Gleaning for Good!"