In reply to the discussion: A six year old boy accused me of grabbing him by the neck and choking him [View all]SWBTATTReg
(24,094 posts)bad, etc., but as a taxpayer, I'm kind of disturbed that my tax dollars are being abused by not caring parents who don't give a hoot if their kid does good or not, is a troublemaker, etc., and literally causes my tax dollars to go running out the door w/ their idiotic ways.
And ironically, so many kids and others are having such a hard time in paying for college. They want to go to college.
Why then, do we continue to support these kids and parents who are constantly dragging everybody else down? To be in a proper teaching mode, the surrounding environment should be carefree and free of distractions, not this kind of garbage and / or nonsense.
Permanently ban the parents and kids from that school system and report them to an overall state registry to (1) protect the teachers (a most precious resource otherwise you're going to lose them all); (2) get the kids who are a danger to other kids (and other people too) out of the school system and put them somewhere else. Period.
Why should the rest of society deal w/ the failures of the parents? The kids need to go elsewhere other than a school for the schools aren't normally equipped to handle such violent individuals.