Men's Group
Showing Original Post only (View all)Just as police need crime, dentists need cavities and firemen need fires... [View all]
Last edited Thu Mar 21, 2013, 10:35 AM - Edit history (1)
I wonder if the mechanism for radical feminist over-the-top rhetoric works something like that? Or maybe it is like Natural Selection. That which survives, thrives.
Basically I am thinking that it may be like this.
Over-the-top rhetoric incites angry retorts which then fuel the "proof" that there is anti-feminism (which they equate, of course, with sexism.)
Naturally true sexism exists, but I think that all too often, the rad fems incite angry responses which are then used as fuel to keep going:
"See? See? THAT is the Patriarchy kickback!!".
Something like that. Please understand I am not talking of feminism in the broader sense at all (which I support completely) but rather the offensive, antagonistic radical sub-variety.