Wage Gap and the CONSAD Report [View all]
I just wanted to put this out there for discussion of the often cited 25% gender wage gap statistic. It's often stated as "women get paid 25% less for doing the exact same work." Virtually every study that claims to show that never compares men and women doing the same work.
In 2008, the Dept of Labor under Obama commissioned a study of the wage gap that actually takes all the variables into account -- education, experience, hours worked, time away from career, etc. The study was performed by the CONSAD research corporation.
In short, after taking all the variables into account, CONSAD came up with a wage disparity of 4.1 - 7.8%. It's probably the most exhaustive study ever done on the wage gap.
But my question is, why is this study completely ignored by virtually every single politician and pundit out there? I mean, even the Republicans and conservative pundits stay away from it.
Any thoughts?
Link: http://www.consad.com/content/reports/Gender%20Wage%20Gap%20Final%20Report.pdf