I don't know. I just see all this extremist radfem yargle coming out of the UK, Australia, etc... women in the US seem to have (mostly) gotten past these ideas of Feminism being one big battle against the objectifying penis of doom that is always trying to sneak a peek at their boobs.
...and this, too. Does anyone in the US actually use the word "Cuckolded"?
I think in the US, the legal obligation for child support rests with the legal father- being, the legally married person to the mother. I could be wrong. Certainly, I could see divorces resulting from a discovery of different paternity; however, one glaring thing I would take issue with from this author is the notion that a paternity test can "lead to" "marital violence". Sorry, there's no excuse for violence, marital or otherwise. No matter who has been cheating on whom. An excuse for divorce? Absolutely.
Also, I find the notion of women 'tricking men into financially supporting someone else's children' to be a noxious and bogus notion. I just don't think it happens in reality, at least not like that, and it's a 2 dimensional phony boogey person, sort of like the "bon-bon eating welfare queen".. "Yes, I am tricking you into providing financial assistance to the spawn of another man's seed MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
Nah. Don't think it goes like that.
However, like I said, I think in the US if you are the legal father you are legally obligated for child support; I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I would also say that if you're going to be in a family-creating, baby making sort of type situation with someone, all the more reason to make sure there is real trust and good communication involved in that relationship.