As seen on HoF [View all]
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by lumberjack_jeff (a host of the Men's Group group).
The usual suspects over at HoF are quick to label anything or anyone who doesn't agree with them as sexist, and/or misogynist, yet they can't even recognize those traits among themselves and among the filth they perpetuate. is quickly becoming one of their go-to sites, despite becoming increasingly sexist bordering on misandry. This article was posted here on HoF. Notice the caption on the picture is "Fuck the Patriarchy", which of course means 'fuck men'. If you don't think this is a fair assessment, all you have to do is read farther down the article to find
Ashley Judd's face is puffy because Ashley Judd is sick and on fucking steroids, you intrusive, judgmental dicks.
The really funny part (and not funny haha) is that the article
cited as evidence a piece which evidently started the whole thing. This article was written by a woman, and published in a magazine which caters to women, but that doesn't stop them from blaming "teh patriarchy" and men in general.
Notice how an unfamiliar woman wanders in on the discussion and
calls bullshit.
She is immediately labeled a right wing plant, threatened with banning, and an is accused of being one of the worst things you can possibly be, a man.
I'm sure the irony escapes them.