Men's Group
In reply to the discussion: why does this crud continue [View all]DeadParrotz
(12 posts)But you dilute them with this knee jerk caricature. I am not a fan of Dworkin nor would I defend anyone who is.
It seems like porn is the big sticking point here. For the record, I love porn. I watch it. I have no problem with porn as it exists between freely consenting parties. However, let's be honest here, there is some pretty horrific content out there. I'd even go as far to say that I think most of it is pretty degrading to both men and women. Even if a person signs a contract and consents, there's something about being grabbed roughly by the hair and forced to the point of gagging on an erect penis, having many people ejaculate on one's face, being penetrated by multiple large foreign objects, being passed around like a receptacle, etc. that bothers me.
Does this mean I want it outlawed? No, not at all. I don't think that would be effective or ethical in our culture of free expression. But we should choose not to consume such content, and call it out when we see it.
Does this mean I want all porn turned into 2 hour romantic film with no action? Not at all. I think there are plenty of ways to film good old fashioned fucking that don't demean people. But porn has changed just by the overwhelming variety and availability of it, and this deserves reflection. Producers are forced to make more and more shocking content just to stand out.
There was an interesting study, and I will try to find it, that said the psychological damage that can result from porn isn't even from any degrading acts depicted, but the sheer number of imaginary "partners" an average porn viewer has, which leads to depersonalization of the experience. Not so long ago, people would have these projected relationships with preferred porn actors. These days, people search primarily by sex act and not by a particular actor. I don't know how much stock I put into this, but it's an interesting point.
I'm somewhere in the middle, I prefer Viv Thomas productions because his actors are absolutely gorgeous and he respects them.